Thursday 21 March 2019


Together with other single use packaging items, single use coffee cups have received negative media attention in recent years. Does this mean that consumers are actually keen to seek out alternatives?

On-the-go coffee consumption varies widely across different countries. According to a survey from NPD and CREST, Japan leads the field with 48 per cent of total coffee orders to go. The USA is not far behind with 45 per cent. In Germany, France and the UK, 17 per cent of all coffee orders are to go. Finally, in Italy and Spain, the figure only amounts to three per cent.
Holger Preibisch, managing director of the German coffee association, highlights a study the association commissioned in 2017, which explores buying the habits of coffee drinkers. It is based on statements by 37,000 regular coffee drinkers, describing 240,000 individual situations in which coffee was drunk.
56 per cent of people surveyed stated that they don’t generally drink coffee to go. Of the remaining groups, 34 per cent say that they drink their coffee from a single use cup, and nine per cent stated that they own a reusable cup they carry around with them.
“Coffee to go consumption decreases with consumer age. Younger consumers are generally more mobile and don’t want to do without their coffee. However, whether or not consumers are likely to use a single use or a reusable cup is not dependent on age. Across all ages, around every fifth person who drinks coffee to go uses a reusable cup,” Mr Preibisch points out.

Coffee Table : Don't Make This Mistake When Choosing it for Your Living Room

Choosing a coffee table for your living room seems like an easy enough task when you first think about it. You walk into a store you like, pick your favorite piece, and go home with it (or have it delivered), but upon further reflection, there are many more decisions in picking the right coffee table than meets the eye.
First, it needs to be the right size—both heightwise and in terms of length and width. It needs to be the right scale and proportion to the space and needs to work with all your existing furniture. The material needs to fit with your lifestyle and work well in the room. It even needs to suit the needs of your family, whether this means that it has to be kid-friendly or have enough storage for TV remotes and other miscellaneous items. 
Only after you've answered all these questions can you really begin finding the perfect coffee table for you and your space. So how do you choose a coffee table from start to finish? We outlined five rules to follow before committing to a coffee table you'll love.
Be Mindful of the Height

Wednesday 20 March 2019

How to pick the right coffee machine for you

Looking for the perfect coffee? These are the best manual espresso, filter, Nespresso and bean-to-cup coffee machines you can buy

Coffee has been making mornings more palatable since the 16th century and, in the intervening 500 years, the humble coffee bean has spawned a huge range of different coffee-based drinks. But whether you're a fan of cappuccino, macchiato, espresso, or just plain-old filter coffee, there's a machine out there that will make you the coffee you want every time.


Last week’s Caffeine 101 just skimmed the surface explaining the buzz from our cup. We now know the effects of caffeine are quite personal. Restlessness, jitters, increased alertness, and other possible effects all depend on our individual tolerance.
But can we alter how much caffeine we ingest based on different roasts or brews?
Welcome to Kicking Horse Coffee’s very first Mythbusters entry.
First myth up to debunk...

8 Coffee Brands to Avoid

There are so many coffee brands on the market not only in retail stores but also online. How does one possibly choose which one to buy?
Most people have just a couple qualifiers when purchasing their coffee like…
  • Price
  • Taste
However, when buying coffee more than just price and taste should be considered.
There are some “dirty” coffee brands out there and they may be doing harm to not only your body but also our planet.
For this list, we’re using factors such as how the coffee is picked, sustainability practices, the quality of the coffee used, the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, and the ethical practices of the company that’s producing it.

Which coffee brand is best?

These coffee blends have been chosen on the basis of reviews, and consumer popularity. A listing here is not an endorsement for the brand. 

Is it safe to eat coffee beans?

Have you ever wondered whether you can you eat coffee beans? The short answer is yes, eating them is not just for Civet cats! Human beings were eating coffee beans as an energy boost long before we discovered the fine art of brewing. They’re also naturally low in calories (that’s the bean itself, not the chocolate-covered version). The long answer is, “Yes, but…”
Is it safe to eat raw, unroasted coffee beans? Yes, although you may not like the taste. Raw, or green, coffee beans are highly acidic and are said to have a “grassy” or “woody” flavor. They are much harder than roasted beans, making them difficult to chew. When you process a coffee bean, then the darker the roast, the softer that the beans will become.